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Stock Screener Zerodha: Everything you need to know

In this blog, you will learn about the stock screener which will help you in becoming a better trader than before and that's why you should read this blog very carefully to understand the topic.

To use Zerodha's stock screener, you would typically follow these steps:

If you genuinely want to use stock screener Zerodha, typically people follow these steps:

Login to Your Account: First of all what you need to do is that you are supposed to use a Zerodha trading account through the Zerodha official website or their trading platform.
Access the Stock Screener: Then you are supposed to navigate through to the section of their platform which is used to offer stock screening tools. Most probably it will be located under a 'Research' or 'Tools' tab.

Define Your Criteria: In the stock screener, you will be able to set various criteria to filter stocks based on your preferences. And if you include parameters such as market capitalization, the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E), sector, dividend yield, and more. According to your investment strategy, you will be able to customize the criteria with the help of a screener Zerodha.

Apply Filters: Apply the filters to the stock universe after setting your criteria. This will narrow down the list of stocks that meet your specified conditions. 

Review Results: To match your criteria the stock screener is used to present you with a list of stocks. Then you can review these results to identify potential investment opportunities.
Further Analysis: Once you will be to have a list of filtered stocks, you can easily conduct further research and analysis on these companies to determine their financial growth potential, financial health, and other factors which is relevant to your investment strategy.

It is possible that some rules and regulations might be changed so it will be more convenient and reliable for you to cross-check the information

Pivot Trading Open High Low                        

Pivot trading is one of the most popular trading strategies that use the data of the price to calculate potential support and resistance levels for the current trading day. It usually involves the use of pivot points, which are key price levels that traders watch for potential price reversals, breakouts, and trends. The pivot points are calculated based on the high, low, and close prices of the previous trading session. Here's how it works:

Calculate Pivot Point (PP):

Pivot Point (PP) = (Previous Day's High + Previous Day's Low + Previous Day's Close) / 3

Calculate Support and Resistance Levels:

First Resistance (R1) = (2 * PP) - Previous Day's Low

First Support (S1) = (2 * PP) - Previous Day's High

Second Resistance (R2) = PP + (Previous Day's High - Previous Day's Low)

Second Support (S2) = PP - (Previous Day's High - Previous Day's Low)

Trading Decisions:

If the current day's price is trading above the Pivot Point, it is considered bullish. Traders may look for buying opportunities, and resistance levels may act as potential price targets.


The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. Trading in stocks and securities involves risks, and individuals should carefully evaluate their financial situation and consult with professionals before making any trading decisions, you can take the help of Finskool advisory service which will increase your chances of earning profit.